Friday, August 04, 2006

A Descent Into Madness

I just got back from watching the "horror" movie The Descent.

My review will be short and sweet.

The movie makes little sense. Lots of meaningful scenes... that might have been meaningful if they didn't come out of nowhere.

Six women descend into a cave... just because. And they fight some monsters... That's it. A few good scares, but not really worth a trip to the theatre.

And the previews show tons of horror movies coming up. The Saw 3 (out on Halloween). Sarah Michelle Gellar is chased by things in a flick that takes place in Texas. There's a Texas Chainsaw Massacre prequel. And the other preview I remember is a movie starring the guy from the Transporter Series... playing someone very similar who will die if he doesn't get into car chases every five minutes. I have to admit I wasn't too clear on the premise.

I guess I should have stuck with Pirates 2!


Blogger Unknown said...

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11:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Pirates 2 suckzed big time!
I fell asleep numerous times while watching it.

11:41 PM  
Blogger Ryan Wilson said...

Really? Did you like the first one?

4:30 PM  

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