Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Primary Day!!!

So it finally came.

The day of the Primary in Connecticut. There were three votes to cast in the Democratic Primary: Governor, Lt. Governor and of course United States Senator. The first two have been completely eclipsed by the latter.

Ned Lamont vs. Joe Lieberman. One is an 18 year incumbent senator, the other the vice president of a cable company. Normally, this wouldn't have even been a race, but this time it was. There are lots of people mad at Lieberman, and lots who really like him. Normally turnout for primaries is low... at around 25%. But this time, it's apparently at 50%! This is amazing. Apparently, 30,000 people registered as Democrats since May (one of whom was me) so this has been very important for people.

Did I vote already? You bet I did... I voted at lunch to make sure I got to vote before polls closed. So which way did I go?

After much soul searching.... I cast my vote for Lamont. It was a hard decision, but in the end, I feel that Lieberman provides way too much partisan cover for Republicans. He doesn't seem capable of admitting mistakes, and that's not a great quality.

So who will win this thing? Hard to know....

One question though, is if Lieberman loses this primary, will he quit the party and run as an independent? If so, this race could go on for another three months until the November general elections. Nobody is sure what will happen... so this could be interesting.

When I write this, polls close in 15 minutes! So results should come in soon. It should be very interesting. Well to me anyway :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Lamont won! Oh my goodness....crazy news. I thought Lieberman would come through in the end. I truly wonder what his next move will be!


5:26 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ryan, dude, you put the 'public' in 'private voting'...

10:03 AM  

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