Thursday, August 24, 2006

Virginia Senator

Back to my random political posts.

This one is about the race going on right now for Senator from the Commenwealth of Virginia.

The race is between Democrat James Webb, and Republican George Allen. Now why does this race matter to anyone except people living in Virginia? George Allen seems like he wants to run for president in 2008 (though no official word has been made yet). I base this on his campaining in Iowa, which is the state with the first presidential primary (ie they choose which candidate gets the nomination first of all the other states). For a senator from Virginia, campaining in Iowa doesn't make too much sense unless he has presidential ambitions. So this could be a chance for the Democrats, if they win to knock out a potential presdential candidate in 2008. Did I mention that George Allen has voted with the Bush Administration 97% of the time? Probably another reason for the Democrats to try and knock him out.

Then there's this bizarre incident from a couple of weeks ago from George Allen

Kind of strange.... and I"m not sure what this means..... though it certainly sounds offensive.

Anyway, here's a video of James Webb from the Colbert Report from March 2006

After the macaca incident, polls put the two at pretty much even, so it could go either way. Could be another interested race to watch... well for me it will be :)


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