Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Better Know a Senate Race will Return

Now that Labor Day 2007 is over, it's time for Election season to get going again (yes politics never stops in the United States).

So it will be time to bring back my series where I examine the Senate Races I choose to write about... there really isn't any rhyme or reason other than those ones I find to be interesting.

Some of the ones I'll probably mention: Minnesota, Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Maine, Oregon, Nebraska... to name a few. Maybe more if they look interesting.

Anyway, more to come. I hope.

I'm off!

Sigh... I never remember to update this thing.

It's Wednesday September 19....

On September 21, I"m off... to South Korea. I'm sure anyone who knows me can guess why.

I'm so excited... I can't wait to get there... and it's so close.

I don't think I"ll be able to stop smiling the entire time I"m there.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm back

Wow... I completely forgot about the blog!

It's been four months.


Not much going on in Politics these days (it's an off year, next election in 2008), but there is a Governor's race in Kentucky. I'll write about that one at some point.

And all kinds of Presidential debates 2 years before the election. There are 8 Democrats running, and 10 Republicans running. So far. Fred Thompson (the actor from Law and Order) seems to be thinking of running as a Republican. Newt Gingrigh, former Speaker of the House from 1994 to 1998 might also enter the race. That would make 12 Republicans.

Al Gore may enter for the Democrats... which would give them 9.

I guess there is something to write about after all.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Old State House

This Saturday, I went to soak up a little Connecticut history at the historic old statehouse. This is not something everyone would like, but for me it was neat to learn about some of the history of Hartford and Connecticut. It turns out one of the reasons that the insurance industry is so big in Hartford is because it grew out of a desire to protect trade from the Connecticut River. Like I said, probably not too interesting to most people other than me.

In the State House, I got to see the Old State Senate, and the city council chamber. All very neat.

I also found out that the New York Rangers have a farm team around these parts. Games end in April, but it might be fun to go to one.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Superbowl Weekend

It's the biggest football game of the year this Sunday.

I pretty much have to at least watch one quarter... everyone is going to be talking about it on Monday.

The Bears against the Colts.

I have no idea which team is better, nor do I care who wins. So obviously I'm not watching for the game itself. I guess I could watch for the commercials. I read this year that it's going to cost 2.6 Million dollars for a 30 second commercial.

Who plans to watch the game tomorrow? Bears or Colts, who's your favourite?

Monday, January 22, 2007


Does anyone watch Scrubs? Comedy central started showing a couple episodes a night, and I've seen a few, but I didn't really pay attention until recently.

It's actually pretty funny... I laugh out loud at least once an episode. Plus, Doctor Cox is an amazing character. I'm really not sure how he became the wise mentor, but it's pretty funny that he fell into that role, considering he can't stand anyone.

If you like Grey's Anatomy, it's kind of like that. Except not so much with the McDreamy, but with an insane janitor who installs toilets on the roof.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Yet another Post

I"m back... two days, two posts in a row.

This can't possibly keep up.

I had a great weekend in New York. I got to see Emily's apartment, and meet her mysterious roomate. I had a late lunch with Matthew, and Emily, Matthew and I saw The Good Sheppard. A good movie... complicated and strange, but I still liked it. The moral of the movie is: "You are a spy." Seriously, everyone is a spy....

Also, had fun on Saturday night, and met some of Emily's coworkers. New Orleans beat Philadelphia. Not that I care one way or the other, but it was good to see a football game where none of the teams are called the Roughriders.

And... if I may toot my own horn for a minute, I found out my exam results for Course M. I passed! Yay! I got my results in the mail today to confirm. Now it's off to do the FAP modules. I have no idea what to do for that... I guess I have some reading to do.

That's all... ummm Save the Cheerleader, Save the World (ten points to whoever gets that reference first).

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thursday, Colbert Report

Just a quick post for now... hopefully a longer one tomorrow.

If anyone is a fan of the Colbert Report, this Thursday should be a must see episode.

At 8pm, Mr. Steven Colbert is going to appear on Bill O'reilly's show on fox news, and then later Bill O'reilly will be the guest on the Colbert Report.

Hopefully it will be a civil and funny affair :)