Friday, September 08, 2006

Florida Senate Race

It's time for another edition of Better Know a Senate Race.

This one is about the race in Florida. The Republican Primary was earlier this week, and it is now known that the election will be between challenger Katherine Harris for the Republicans and incumbent Bill Nelson for the Democrats.

Katherine Harris is a Republican Congresswoman from Florida. She was also instrumental in stopping the recount in 2000, helping Bush win Florida, and hence the election. Democrats have not forgotten this, and carry a grudge against her.

Her campaign started with a strange interview on the Fox News show Hannity and Colmes. During the interview, she seemed to be more interested in flirting with host Sean Hannity than in giving reasons why she should be in the senate. I can't find a video clip, but suffice it to say, the interview was very strange. This was only the beginning.

She cannot seem to keep anyone on staff for longer than a few months. At this point, she has had dozens of campaign staff quit, and at least three campaign managers (that I can think of) among them. Ms. Harris inherited ten million dollars from her father (who recently passed away) giving her a large amount of money. She has needed this since wealthy Florida Republicans have not been pleased with her campaign and have tried to get her to quit the race almost from day one. She has refused, and has stayed in the race regardless.

Next she has gone on record saying that the separation of church and state is wrong. Opposing the Bill of Rights is an odd way to show your desire to be in the Senate I would imagine. Also she commented that unless people elect Christians, government will be sinful. That probably won't win her tons of support in say the Jewish Community in Florida.

Finally, there are the numerous polls that show her losing to Senator Nelson by at least thirty percent. Also, the fact that to win the Republican Primary, she had to spend six times as much money per vote than anyone else. At this rate, she'll go through the ten million dollars in a couple weeks.

All these factors have made this a very odd race. In fact, I'm not sure you can call this a race at all.

Here's a video of Keith Olbermann making fun of Ms. Harris. I have to admit, I found some of it pretty funny....


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Ryan and all,

Bush's Gift Horse has Hoof in Mouth Again

Katherine Harris' recent gaffe proves that the Republican Party is hell-bent on imposing a theocracy, regardless of what most people think, or what the US constitution says or the founding fathers said. While bedeviling us all with their holier-than-thou pretenses and thinly-veiled stage acting, they regularly "climb into bed" and trade favors with any scoundrel, cabal, or corporation willing to pave their path to wealth and power. Here is one more straw upon the camel’s back evidencing the failings of any system that foolishly relies on money, religion, and politics to deliver truth and justice for all.

Let's get to the root of the problem of deluded and greedy politicians who seek to impose their own ignorance on millions of others. Because of our reliance on money, politics, and religion, we are teetering on the verge of worldwide disaster. Idiots like Ms. Harris and her cohorts couldn't care less about everyone else as long as they get their hands on wealth and power, even if it means pretending to serve the Creator. It is long past time that people stand up for truth and justice and give these scoundrels their due.

Read more here...


10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah well YOU are Ms. Harris (good one?).

7:42 PM  

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