Wednesday, December 13, 2006

If you read this post, I'll give you....

I meant to do this last week... but

a) I got tired

b) I forgot

c) I was distracted by something shiny.

Last week I went to a talk on negotiations... well that's what I thought it would be anyway. The organizer actually had us do a role-play event, in teams of four. We each had a mission to perform, and through the play and learning about our characters, we ended up learning all kinds of things about negotiations. It was neat and much more interesting than listening to someone talk for an hour.

It leads me to wonder, is there a New England Actuarial Society or something I can join? If so, do they do stuff like this every month or so? Something to consider in the New Year.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Politics... but with a twist

This is going to be a political post... but....

Canadian Politics :D

The Liberals chose their leader last Saturday. It took four ballots, but Stephane Dion is the new leader of the opposition.

Now... when do you think the minority government is going to fall? And then... when will the next election be?